Asbestos Management Surveys: Frequently Asked Questions:

Welcome to our Asbestos Management FAQs page where you can find the answers to any questions you need answering regarding our management surveys. If you need any further assistance, please reach out to us through our easy to use Contact Form.

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Management Surveys FAQs:

What is an Asbestos Management Survey?

An Asbestos Management Survey is designed to locate and assess the presence and condition of any asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in a building that could be disturbed or damaged during normal occupancy, including foreseeable maintenance and installation.

Why do I need an Asbestos Management Survey?

This survey is essential to ensure that the management of asbestos in premises is compliant with legal requirements, particularly to minimise the risk of asbestos exposure to occupants and workers during everyday operations and routine building maintenance.

What happens during an Asbestos Management Survey?

During the survey, a trained specialist will assess your property for asbestos-containing materials. This involves a visual inspection and may include taking samples of materials suspected of containing asbestos for laboratory analysis.


How long does an Asbestos Management Survey take?

The duration of the survey depends on the size and complexity of the property. Generally, a survey can take anywhere from a few hours to several days for larger or more complex properties. However we ensure you will never be disappointed with the results.

What should I prepare before the survey?

Provide access to all areas of the building, including basements,lofts, and technical or ticky areas to get into. Also, it’s helpful to provide any property blueprints or historical building records that may indicate the presence of asbestos for all our worksmen to swiflty get the job completed with ease.

How can I use the results from an Asbestos Management Survey?

The results will provide you with a detailed report including the location, condition, and type of any asbestos found. This report is crucial for creating an effective asbestos management plan, ensuring safety, and maintaining regulatory compliance.

Go take a look at our Service Areas page where you can view where we offer our variety of surveys!